Wednesday, April 2, 2008

NY Mets Suffer Two Losses On Tuesday Night

In a highly anticipated first start for the Mets, Pedro Martinez suffered the worse thing he could have dreamed about while in Miami, an injury. Pedro wasn't hitting all his spots last night by hitting the first batter of the game, then giving up a home run to Dan Uggla who was the next batter. Pedro gave up another two runs in the second inning, one on a solo home run to Luis Gonzalez. In the fourth inning Pedro induced a ground out but his left leg bukled after the pitch and he grabbed his hamestring. Pedro flew to New York today to get an MRI and it looks that our number 2 starter will be out for 4-6 weeks. The Mets have placed him on the 15 day disabled and recalled Nelson Figueroa to start in his place.

I wanted to see Nelson in the rotation to start the season, i thought he deserved it from his spring performance over Pelfery. I just didn't want him to get the job by Pedro getting hurt this early in the season.

After the lose of Pedro and the 4 run defict the Mets were able to piece together a run here and there to come back and tie the game up. The offense has yet to show any power with no home runs so far this season but they have put together alot of extra base hits. The bullpen did a great job coming in for Pedro until the 10th inning when Matt Wise left a pitch up in the zone and the Marlins hit a walk off home run. It was the only run the bullpen gave up in 6 innings of work.