Monday, April 7, 2008

Mets Fail 1st Test, Look To Pass 2nd One To Open Shea

So it wasn't a very good series for the Mets in Atlanta, losing 2 games with one being rained out on Friday. The Braves beat our best two pitchers in their homestand, and gained nothing but confidence for what they can do for the rest of the season. For the Mets it seems to have put doubt into some fans head that we cant get past the Braves again in Atlanta, even with our Ace going 7 strong innings.

Johan did pitch great, and Maine looked like he was over throwning all game, he did hit 97 mph on the gun at times. Yes, i thought the Mets should have atleasted spilt the two games but even with sweep I am not to worried yet. I mean come on its April.....

The Mets will be hosting the last opening day at Shea tomorrow against maybe their newest and biggest rivials, the Phillies. The Mets will be sending out Oliver Perez in the home opener to get the team back on track. Mets hitters need to start getting on base more often to create scoring oppotunities. In the two game series versus the Braves they only collected 4 walks. That doesn't help the middle of the lineup drive in runs. The pitching matchup for the home opener will look like this:

Perez Vs Moyer
Pelfrey Vs Kendrick
Maine Vs Eaton

We catch a break in the home opener and don't have to face either Hamels or Meyers for the first series with the Phillies. Although he Phillies don't have to face Santana. Hopefully the Mets take it to the Phillies and show them that they aren't mentally afriad of them and are a force to be wrecken with.


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