Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Test For Dauner Sanchez

An article for written by Anthony DiComo talks about the health of Mets reliever Duaner Sanchez. The growing concern of the article focus not on the health of the 7th inning set-up man but whether his arm is ready for opening day. The Mets need to know if Duaner can pitch on back to back days with out feeling fatigued.

Dauner Sanchez on being ready for back to back outings:

""Everything is a process," Sanchez said of pitching on back-to-back days. "I know I can do it. Is it the right thing to do? I don't know."

As a Mets fan i can only pray that his arm can handle it. With so much talk about the Mets looking to trade a bullpen arm to get a guy like Marcus Thames, Dauner's roll becomes more and more important. I want to trust that he can go on back to back days but i am not in a rush to throw him out there in the first month of the season and risk another injury.